Albanian Fried Dough (Petulla me Vezë)

Avatar for Mimoza TresovaAuthorMimoza Tresova

Petulla are the Albanian version of fried dough. They can be eaten with powdered sugar or honey but also with salty flavors like feta cheese.

Albanian Fried Dough Featured
Yields22 Servings
Prep Time35 minsCook Time10 minsTotal Time45 mins
 1 ⅓ cups warm water
 ½ tbsp salt
 1 tbsp yeast
 3 cups flour
 2 eggs
 1 cup canolaor any vegetable oil for frying
 1 tsp sugar

Combine lukewarm water, yeast, sugar and let it sit for 5 minutes.


Meanwhile whisk the eggs in a small bowl for a few seconds.


In a large bowl add in flour and salt. Stir in yeast water and whisked eggs. Mix all together until the flour is completely incorporated and you have a sticky batter. Don't knead the dough, it is not necessary.


Loosely cover the bowl with a towel and let rest for 30 minutes.


Heat oil in a deep fryer pan over medium heat.


With a large spoon, scoop one spoon at the time of batter into the oil. When you get a scoop of the batter it should not droop of the spoon as easily. Fry for 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Keep adding oil if needed.


Remove the fried dough and place them in a paper towel.

CategoryCuisineCooking MethodDietTags, , , , ,


 1 ⅓ cups warm water
 ½ tbsp salt
 1 tbsp yeast
 3 cups flour
 2 eggs
 1 cup canolaor any vegetable oil for frying
 1 tsp sugar



Combine lukewarm water, yeast, sugar and let it sit for 5 minutes.


Meanwhile whisk the eggs in a small bowl for a few seconds.


In a large bowl add in flour and salt. Stir in yeast water and whisked eggs. Mix all together until the flour is completely incorporated and you have a sticky batter. Don't knead the dough, it is not necessary.


Loosely cover the bowl with a towel and let rest for 30 minutes.


Heat oil in a deep fryer pan over medium heat.


With a large spoon, scoop one spoon at the time of batter into the oil. When you get a scoop of the batter it should not droop of the spoon as easily. Fry for 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Keep adding oil if needed.


Remove the fried dough and place them in a paper towel.


Albanian Fried Dough (Petulla me Vezë)


  1. My grandma always made these for me when I went overseas to Albania, my aunt had to tell me I have to stop eating so much dough but they are so good. I would recommend making/tasting them for yourself if you haven’t, it’s savory and delicious.

  2. Made them with my girl scouts (ages 5-16) last night for thinking day. They were a huge hit, we had no leftovers. We did a garlic and walnut sourcream dip as well as sweet toppings.

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